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Inna Portraits - Photography Is My Passion

Draft: A

Description: Inna explains why she loves photography.

Status: Up for review.  Needs photos/b-roll.

Inna Portraits - Pete Story

Draft: A

Description: Inna shares a story about Pete, an older man who was reluctant to be photographed, but became a good model and friend.

Status: Up for review.  Needs photos/b-roll.

Inna Portraits Website Video

Draft: C

Description: Overview of Inna Portraits, with commentary from Inna and Angela, and B-roll of hair/makeup, product selection, and photography session

Status: Updated with color 6/3/2020. Ready for review and download.

Wendy's Dress 30s

Draft: A

Description: Short video with clips of Wendy in her dress 5/13/2020 for use as advertisement.

Status: Approved

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